Today a post at Lilly thing, I'm so
happy and proud that I share the love wants.
with Lilly, I was already two in swimming lessons and
every time we had to cancel, as more children 15-22
were in a group. Since Lilly was busy with all
not only learn to swim. It did also nothing,
that I went into the water ... no: o (
course, we keep it (gone without course) swimming, last year in summer we could every day the North Sea enjoy Lilly and I had always wanted one of the Styrofoam blocks from her swimming Belt made from.
now arrived when we were only 2 blocks, cheers!
Last week while bathing in the spa (salt water with good =) it is first into the water without Schwimmhife .....
and paddled SO JUST GO!
... like she never did anything else.
What a great girl!
I can tell you my mother's heart dance dances of joy!
Even today, it was not an issue (we had no Styrofoam Belt mehr mit) ganz alleine durchs Wasser zu paddeln, ok an den richtigen Schwimmbewegungen feilen wir dann noch mal. Aber ich habe meinen Freischwimmer (damals ;o) ) mit fünf Jahren auch paddelnd gemacht, der Bademeister fands ok.
Nun freue ich mich auf viele weitere Male,
die wir zum Schwimmen gehen!
♥-lichst Eure imme
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