Monday, February 28, 2011

Electric Fuel Pump Daj

Ich melde mich kurz zurück...

from my bed ... Unfortunately, not good for me I have an acute Bronchitis.Bin create a bit weak and slow progress ... So you love sitting is nothing. .. I tell you more später.Schöne Week, I wish Euch.Bussi.Luciene.

is already Easter?

my last Easter gift ...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Church Anniversary Verses

°°°SILVESTER 2010 / 2011°°° Layout

Einen schönen guten Abend!
Silvester haben Lilly & ich ganz gemütlich mit 
"Kinoparty" (incl. Popcorn) zu Hause gefeiert.
Das war richtig schön!

This layout I have on the Craft CS worked Bazzill, the gray, green and purple paper we have in store .
I have so stuck that the journaling to be pushed
days behind can.

The Swirl stamp is from Donna Downey ... just super nice and well suited to
stamped to order fabric.

& colorful greetings
your imme

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Thank You For Minister Doing Funeral

°°°NACHTS im Schnee°°° Layout

Na das war was um 24 Uhr nachts......

...aber wir hatten Glück, vier junge Männer kamen zur Hilfe!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Invitationmemorial Servicefirst Death Anniversary

°°°Dr. Lilly°°° Alltags Layout

Auch wenn rot gelb nicht so meine liebste Farbkombi ist... passte sie hier einfach perfekt!

Das beste war die Plastik Brille ;o)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Planters Cheese Curls For Sale

Schönes Wochenende ih lieben...

Do not be angry if I do not read your post this weekend ... today we are invited to the 50th birthday tomorrow, the "Almost Perfect Dinner" at my weekend ... I still want to go to work because I minus-hour have. Only if I stop going "home". LOL.

Here photos from the balcony when "life" ... is longing?
I wish you nice weekend with lots Freude.Bussi.Luciene.
I also thank my readers who voluntarily 80th blog are my eye looks soo haben.Ihr Muito obrigada ... love! grin, grinning.

Good Apartments Bangkok

°°°FADM°°° Fachl. Ausbildungsschule für Damenschneider & Modedesign


Neulich habe ich dieses Foto von meinen Modells & Modenschau Sachen in einer Kiste gefunden... Unser Thema zur großen Modenschau in der Eilenriede Halle in Hannover war
"Bilder aus dem Rahmen gefallen" .
Diese Schau wurde in der Mitte der dreijährigen Ausbildung an der FADM zur Damenschneiderin und Modedesignerin veranstaltet.
(Diese Schule gibt es jetzt jedoch nicht mehr,
dafür aber zwei andere).

Da ich es ja gern bunt mag habe ich mich für die Scherenschnitte von Heni Matisse entschieden und diuese in Abendmode umgesetzt. Lieben Dank an unsere Frau Krähnke, die immer wusste wo man welche besonderen Nähspezialitäten her bekam und auch lieben Dank an meine netten Models fürs immer wieder anprobieren,
Proben und Laufen!

Wie wunderbar, dass meine Freundin in Hamburg und
I are always friends with each other yet.
Schön isses Tine, we'll come visit again soon!

For Layout: The green paper I have in the store ( ), on a piece of Bazzill force CS, the colorful strip of Ki Memories , the white Doodlebug alphas of the of brown Thickers , ingredients from the new series LUSH and right the dots with a hole is punched EK made.

♥-people of your imme

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wording For Loving Memory In Wedding Program

°°°2 WIKINGER°°° Layout

Oh yes dear blog readers,

I mentioned it once already ...
here it is to live dangerously!

From time to cross my path two Viking o)
However, by the little Furrys Viking
the helmet is not really super ...

Here I have the tape WASHI (What you see in the right corner of photo) with Staz On and a wood pattern stamped.
♥-people of your imme

White Bump On Outside Of Lip Piercing


Diese 2 Geburtstagskarten sind heute entstanden:

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Metallic Taste In Canned Tomatoes

°°°Das LEBEN ist BUNT°°° Layout


single time a colorful layout!

House Arrest Bracelet Fee


Halli Hallo,

now there is a new
in my DaWanda shop ( click here).
particularly put mushroom hilly,
because demand was so great.
If you have a special request,
speak me a call ...
much is possible and I will sew more.

♥-people of your imme

Monday, February 21, 2011

Profit Margin On White Goods By Retail

°°°DT-Treffen°°° ...ein wunderbares Wochenende!!!

Halli Hallo,

last weekend we had design team meeting Dani Peuss .
It was wonderful, colorful, funny, creative, inspiring,
"different" and without cell phone reception!

result are great works, so I will restructure in the next few days my blog something, you can quickly and easily access the pages of the other design team girls and see their masterpieces!

Here's a small insight into my
resulting work ...
an album on this beautiful weekend, but no holes, and still no photos. When it is finished, I show it to you.

post in the next few days, I created the layouts,
are also the works from the March kit ready
... so looks like us again.

♥-people of your imme

Jenna Jameson Hair On La Ink

Wo gibt den so was...

that is the reason I warrum not you.
In addition, our tickets already and I need to sort my papers slowly ... bank cards, passport, vaccination certificate, tax number ... so all you need in Brazil, nothing else works ... I hope my pass is already the end of March Otherwise I will still get Ärger.Dazu the Brazilian Consulate in Hamburg no longer gibt.nur an office ... if not I have to swing out to Berlim.Zu foreigners authority, I must also, because of the stickers in the new residence must pass, oh. .. all I know, and now with the new Act, I get a new passport every 5 years ... and pay again ... I do not understand warrum you so often need a new passport can not ... what reinvent the forever is? or decide the age or weight if I'm still me? Do you understand? "I do not, grins.Und if I decide for a German passport I get problems in my home because my papers are not there anymore gelten.Ein Teufeskreis, hihi. ..
ye love I wish you a great week and hopefully with a little sun. bussi.Luciene.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Female Wrestler High Heels

Overcast well ....

Hier meine allererste Patchworkdecke. Die dunklen Patches sind aus braunem Feincord, dadurch fühlt sich die Decke schön kuschelig an. Und Anstelle von Volumenfließ habe ich eine alte Couchdecke genommen. Bis alles so aussah, habe ich die Decke 3mal aufgetrennt: